Friday, November 4, 2011

Capron Funk Welcome to Maddgear Edit + Bonus Ryan Williams Double Flair to Wood

Capron Funk has been on MGP for a while now, but only recently finished his Welcome to Maddgear Edit. Capron has so many different trick combos, and does all of them pretty effortlessly. I don't think the video showed Capron's expertise at hang 5s though, because he is definitely one of the best in the game at them. Check out his edit below.

In other news down in Australia...Ryan Williams has started to take his double flairs to wood. How long before he lands them? Your guess is as good as mine. Rest assure when he does land it, you guys will be able to check it out here on Inside-Scooters.


  1. I don't get it. This happens in every single madd gear USA video. Everybody knows how crazy capron and tyler bonner are, but the videos they release have the worst filming and editing that its so hard to watch. Their riding is insane and all but these types of videos show nothing to how good they really are. Just my opinion

  2. he would land it if he wasnt riding a heavy mgp(:

  3. first off, stfu^ u cant say shit about maddgear until you buy one and find out for yourself. and second, capron shouldn't be on maddgear. He looks like a scooter zone or phoenix rider. He doesn't fit madd gears style at all. look at Joe and Tylers videos, then look at this one. just doesn't fit


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