Thursday, August 30, 2012

Woodward East Scooter Fest 2012

Josh Toy shot and edited this video from Woodward East. There is plenty of Megaramp footage from everyone. The song sounds super familiar, but I can't place it. Everyone kills it, but this really showcases just how much of a powerhouse Raymond Warner is. To throw down the tricks hes throwing down over the mega is pretty ridiculous. And there is some quarterpipe air footy as well. Really sick edit.


  1. Raymond is a silly, silly man. I can't imagine how good it feels to just float a 3 over that thing.

  2. wish there was more footage of the camp/different parks.....but the mini mega looks sooo gnarly

  3. Apparently the riders involed acted so poorly at the camp that they can't do it anymore. thanks guys.

    1. That is not true and I don't know where you heard that. The camp is used to having campers act like idiots, it just stands out more when there are 100 guys as opposed to 800. I made great friends with the staff and they were really stoked on us. And even invited me personally to go back whenever I wanted. The head director even told me "we would love to incorporate scooters into the full program eventually." Hope that clears things up a bit. I made SURE these guys had a good vibe from scooters because it was the best week of my life and I really wanna keep pushing the sport. We killed it at camp guys, good work.

    2. There were a few problematic riders, yes. But just as Jake said, they always have a handful of trouble makers. But at least when they allow us back, we know who not to allow back, that much is extremely clear!

  4. that ender was so jessemac/radtke move. //mk

    1. Hell yeah I immediately thought of old school Radtke on the last trick.

  5. Haha I was in that video alit filming on the mega

  6. Who's the rider who was hitting on the under age girls?

  7. I think the songs from a "Road Fools" video but don't hold me to that.... Amazing job by an amazing dude!!! Josh all suck your dick any time!

  8. He actually got kicked for touching a 14 year old.

  9. The hell are you talking about, Anonymous?

  10. It was Josh ^ pedo.

  11. Not making any sense. Why isn't IS regulating comments?!


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