Saturday, July 28, 2012

Matt Somers- Sounds of Riding

So for whatever reason Matt left the Scooterzone team and release these clips, which are what he had been saving for the SZ DVD.  Matt can do a lot of tricks and demonstrates it in this songless video.  Boardslide (or whatever you call that) to decade was so crazy.  And just in case you were wondering, yes he will still work at the Jerseyzone.  I also have to say I'm pretty bummed he decided to release this without even editing it to a song.  Seems like a waste of time/footage/effort.


  1. How is it possible for one man to possess so much sketch??

    1. what do you mean so much sketch. this video isn't even sketchy. maybe some landing arn't perfect but come on, look at the tricks he's doing. who front dono flips over a rail/stairset?

    2. what do you mean so much sketch? okay, maybe some tricks arn't perfect landing but look at the tricks he's doing. who front dono flips over a rail/stairset gap? you probably can't do at least 5 tricks from this video.

    3. yeah idk what your talking about kid, your like one of the idiots who judges issac for landing a few tricks sketchy

  2. this video was fuckin crazy props to you, i feel like he has a lucky scooters feel to him, maybe he should look in to that. i HAVE to agree with jordan on this one, its ridicules that u wasted all of this on a raw video - mike mullins

  3. I bet the big SZ was dragging on the DVD and he got tired of it.

    1. Actually not. That's coming out this christmas.

  4. I actually watched this again to see what sketchy, and the only skethy clips were the triple whip flat, smith to 720, and 180 whip to bar at the end. 2 of those 3 were in a line and the only one that wasn't in a line was a really hard fucking trick. Please explain to me how this was sketchy.

    1. Don't forget the pole run at the beginning ;)


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