Monday, April 2, 2012

ELYTS Am Rider Mathias Holst Parktage 2

Jakub Wolk sent this over to me. It features a rider we've had on ISB a few times, Mathias Holst. Mathias rides for ELYTS Am, and if he keeps riding this good, I'm sure he will be on their Pro team soon enough. As always really good clips from him, check em out below.


  1. Don't ride switch if you are gonna land regular

  2. Yea mang! Thats my Denmark Nucca!!

  3. Amazing filming, editing and last but not least the riding! Props to you guys!

  4. The kid can ride how he wants. I loved this.

  5. Anon, the kid can ride how he wants, the trick was boss and not many can do that even regular. Anyway, great riding! His riding is awesome.


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