Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Brendon Smith Fan Page Promo

Michael Sadler got this edit together of Brendon Smith basically proving he can do whatever trick he wants. Odds are if you've landed it, Brendon can land it too, with some extra spins and or whips tossed in there. The promo is to promote Brendon's Facebook Fanpage, which you guys can get to by clicking the link below.



  1. Lol the backflip bri on the ramp it says that he's g ay People probably don't like him much There

  2. it says brandon his name is clearly brendon.....

    1. Maybe the tagger wanted to spell it phonetically? They are australian...

  3. to promote a facebook page.... jesus what the hell is happening to scootering..... rollerblading all over again....

  4. What a great promotional idea fellas. I mean WOWSERS! I'm already a fan...more like an envious fan. This guy shreds more than a paper shredder. I hope someone hooks him up with his own website where we can find shirtless photos of him. Makes me wanna sign up for Facebook so I can be a real fan and get more people to fan him with fans. I wonder if he'll read this and fan me with fans. Can you please approve so he see. I know u check your own comments...I know everything


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!