Monday, November 7, 2011

Darren Westby October Edit for TwistedScoots

Darren Westby is an up and coming street rider with a really simple and clean style. It's almost refreshing to watch a rider on the come up like this who isn't all about doing tons of combos. I can only hope that he continues to push himself with his next edit. Check out his TwistedScoots edit below.


  1. His riding reminds me of my own.

  2. LOL the whole twisted team is so bad.

  3. He should learn 360s...

  4. Kid is really clean. liked the video a lot

  5. I can do EVERY TRICK in this video. this should not of made it, Seriously!

  6. You guys are seriously idiots..

    This kids riding is sick

  7. I totally agree with joe,

    Sponsor don't sponsor only riders with insane park or street tricks. They like to find dedicated riders who they know mean best for our sport. This kid is one of them. Really sick edit I see him improving tons by his next edit


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