Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Three Reasons Why I'm Stoked on SD5

SD5 is right around the corner, scheduled for Jan 8th. Every year the SD competition, brings out some of the best riders, not just from around the US, but from all around the world. We see world firsts landed at SD comps, and other ground breaking events every year.

This year, there are 3 major things that got me excited about SD5.

Reason Number 1
First, Kiara Meade is flying from the East Coast to compete in the competition. Kiara is setting the standard for female riders in the sport, and shes setting it only 11 years old. She progresses in almost all of her videos, and it's honestly just really awesome to see such a small young girl shredding so hard. Kiara will be at SD5, repping Razor and Eagle-Sport. Check out some of her videos below.

Reason Number 2
One of my favorite riders from the past year, was Dan Holm. I say it every time, and I'll say it again...The way he rides park, is almost unrivaled in the sport. He shreds transition sooo hard. To see someone ride park like this, and also ride as smooth as Dan does is almost like an art. I'm soo stoked to see Dan ride at SD5 this years, representing The Scooter Zone. Check out some of my favorite Dan Holm videos below.

Reason Number 3
Most already know that for the past couple of days Blunt Pro Scooters has had 3 of their Aussie Team riders touring the Southern Cali area. While they are here to do the Tour and promote the company...They are also here for one main reason. To compete at the SD5 Competition. The three riders that are going to be competing, are Brendon Smith, Warick Wazzeh Beynon, and Max Peters. All three of them are some of the best riders in Australia, hands down. With the addition of these three at SD5, there is no doubt it is going to be a competition to remember. Check out each of them in the videos below.

3 Days until the contest. If you can't make it out there, keep checking Inside-Scooters the days following the contest to see some footage.


  1. kiara is awsome i met her at woodward philly and shes really nice and a complete shreder

  2. Reason Number 4
    Naked Truck :)

  3. going to be an amazing comp

  4. Kiara! I chilled with her at the Philly comp haha she's cool. Hope everyone has a great time and shreds at SD5

  5. man,do i wish i lived on the west coast.i'd go and watch SD5.

  6. jeez i forgot how sick the aussie blunt team is!

  7. I Love the Aussie Blunt Team!! :O

  8. dang sd5 wasent that good sd4 was way better and funner for me


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