Thursday, January 6, 2011

Interview with Spain Shredder, Victor Campmany

So I got an email a few days ago from a big fan of Inside-Scooters, which I always enjoy reading. His name was Victor, and I was even more shocked to see that he was from Spain. Victor told me a little about himself, and sent me his video, hoping I would put it up on Inside-Scooters. Well after watching the video, I decided to do him one better, and conduct a small interview with him. The video is amazing, and you can check it out right underneath the interview below.

So, who are you and where are you from?

Victor: I'm Víctor Campmany I'm 16 years old and I live in Sant Cugat (suburbs of Barcelona)

How long ago did you start riding, and why'd you start?

Victor: I started scootering approximately two years ago, it all started when a friend of mine(Alberto) that used to ride scooter showed me some Terry Price videos on youtube, I felt like it couldn't be possilbe to do that stunts on a scooter. That videos and Alberto encouraged me to start riding. First it was a bit boring only a few people rode scooter in Barcelona but now the skateparks are crowded of scooter riders, maybe more than bikers or skaters! hahaha

Who are your favorite people to ride with, and why?

Victor: I love to ride with everyone who takes scootering seriously, but specially I ride with all the Twisted Scooters Crew( ) and also with Javi Trepat, Balthazar Neveu (now living in Barcelona), Marc Pauls, Kitus and many others. In Barcelona all riders know each other and that makes a great atmosphere.

Who are your favorite riders to watch, that get you pumped to ride?

Victor: There are many riders that I like to watch because I love street and park, but if I have to choose I would say Matt Mckeen and all the Addict team, Tyler Bonner and also all the Lucky Scooters Team. In each video they have new amazing and creative stuff.

Tell us about your current set up right now?

Victor: I'm riding a red phoenix integrated deck, 110 eagle wheels, lucky NW threadless fork, lucky clamp, lucky NW bars with HIC, phoenix swichblade brake, FSA headset, ODI longneck grips and random bearings

So If you could ride anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Victor: That's hard to choose there are many places that I want to ride. But I think that I'm lucky because Barcelona is one of the best cities for riding street, although for riding park Barcelona sucks!, there are some good park in other towns near Barcelona but the ones in Barcelona are terrible.

So if I could choose anywhere to ride I would choose SkateBarn West is the best skatepark I've seen so far!
So, what is it that still has you riding Scooters today?

Victor: I continue scooting because the feeling that I have when I go out and ride my scooter is unique, nothing else can't give to me that sensation, also I have lot of fun riding with my mates and they all support my as a rider and I think that this is very important and more in a country like Spain were scootering is now growing but it hasn't the popularity that has in USA or Australia. That makes my keep on riding making an effort every day to improve my level and have fun.

Below is Victor's video. The whole video was shot and edited by Spain Local, Pol Acena. Also to any companies watching this video, Victor is unsponsored! In a place where the sport is starting to thrive, I think Victor would make a great addition to any company out there. Check the video out below.


  1. that was beautiful.and 3:40 to 3:42 was huge.

  2. Steven Tongson: Also to any companies watching this video, Victor is unsponsored! In a place where the sport is starting to thrive, I think Victor would make a great addition to any company out there.

    Javi Trepat: Hey Steven, what you're telling us here is so true!!! Common Companies!!! Victor is ready for the action!!! Only thing you must do is contact him and let him see a seriously contract. In my point of view he rides like a real PRO (and i ride fast every day with him)! So why not? He's waiting all offers! :)

  3. are the spanish getting there own style of riding? i think so

  4. nice video!!
    style, triks and big combos!!!
    great job!

  5. Thanks Steven, you can't imagine how happy I felt this morning when I opened IS!!!

  6. That was such a clean video! i loved it. and his style. i like the song too ha

  7. amazing filming, amazing colors, amazing riding, amazing parks

  8. wow, great riding. this kid is going to have sponsorships pooring out his ass.

  9. No problem Pol! You did a great job with the filming and editing. So thank you.


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