Thursday, January 20, 2011

11 Year Old Jake Anderson Edit

There's something about seeing these young kids shredding that is really inspiring. Jake is only 11 years old, and already he's developing a really smooth style. Seeing this video has to leave you wondering where Jake's riding might be in a couple of years. I hope in the near future we can see some more videos and watch Jake progress.

If you're reading IS Jake, Keep riding hard dude!

*Thanks to Dalton Mazzante for posting this on my Twitter*


  1. Thanks soo much for posting this Steven! He's going to be so happy lol. I'll be sure to make more video's of him as he progresses. I ride with him more then any other scooter rider, other then Lamont lol

  2. this is how good aussies are out of the womb.

  3. Nice, Kid has a future.

    Hey steven, I also filmed a rider called Sean scully who is has recently just turned 12, All the videos i have of him was when he was 11, If you could please make a post about him? Because i think he is one of the most stylish riders i know. and is one dedicated rider, He shreds way to much

    and also a short arvo edit

    please get this kid more known, for the age he is, he is AMAZING!

  4. that tsi is horrible

  5. jake blows my mind

  6. Luke, can you send me an email dude?

  7. hes better than me : (.jk,jk.why do the little kids bounce while doing fakies ?

  8. at the dude above me, I think he's just not big enough to fully control his scoot yet haha. At least he's already doing full cabs and stuff. An 11 year old doing bar manny bar, wtf?

  9. Exactly what I was going to say Nate, thanks lol. and yeah those bar to manny combos were both first try, he has them on lock

  10. wow i remember seeing him in the bloom park last year and he was good but he got alot better

    wow, that's my and my brothers video from 06, when I was 11. He's much better than me :D

  12. fuck. i cant even do full cabs... something about them makes me a tard


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