Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Erik Feenstra

This is all throwaway for Erik...despite that, its better than 90% if kids' real videos. Look how clean and smooth he lands...he makes everything he does look effortless. Combine that with creative street and park lines and you have the amazingly solid rider that is Erik Feenstra. Be on the lookout for his next video, I've seen pictures of some huge rails hes done, should be insane.


  1. dang he's good at handrails, and his style is amazing.

  2. this video is so freaking good. any word on when his next vid is gonna be done?

  3. I can almost guarantee that he will be one of the blunt riders

  4. He reminds me so much of jon devrind

  5. dannnnnng erik alot of those clips are old as fuckkk. cant wait for your new stuff :)

  6. new favourite rider to watch no joke
    his style is so effortless, like you said jordan
    def want to see more footage of this guy soon!

  7. he was made for scooting haha

  8. hes so smooth. you can barely hear him when he lands.

  9. Not saying he's not smooth, but the fact that you can't hear him land is due to his scooter being dialedtini. Dope vidoe Erik, now start wearing shirts that are your own size.

  10. ^ Sorry! I didn't realize I misspelled "video". That was definitely a tool move on my part.

  11. Yes Steeze! Another person that tells people how to dress! You're the best man!

  12. what is the dress code?
    i think big shirt and jeans or cords are fine by me

  13. I was being completely sarcastic btw, and think that anyone who tells anyone else how to dress now a days is a fucking idiot...and needs to get over themselves.

  14. My bad Steeze...I'm just saying it's pretty lame to get on somebody just because they don't dress the way you dress or think they should dress. I wasn't personally insulting you. Just everyone who does it in general.

  15. I was just messing around anyway, well, a little. I was also saying he should wear smaller shirts in a fashion sense, not in a look-good-for-the-sport sense. Smaller, thinner guys shouldn't wear oversized clothes.


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