Well I guess if you are blind or have been living under a rock...You might have missed these two videos. If so, you can find both right below.
Ryan Williams of MGP Australia, and BenJ Friant of MGP Europe both blew my mind with these videos. Ryan truly doesn't have a limit to his riding. He made it clear with this video that whatever he's riding, he's going to destroy it...effortlessly. The same can be said for BenJ when it comes to going huge and throwing ridiculous trick combos. He makes them look like they're something everyone should be able to do...it's just too bad hardly anyone else can. Great videos from two of MGP's best. Check em out below.
Ryan Williams
BenJ Friant
Also this past weekend in Lake Elsinore, CA at the McVicker skatepark was a competition for all beginner and amateur riders. MGP's Anthony "Twan" Bustos and Raymond Warner were out there supporting the contest and all the riders, and Twan got some pictures that you can see below. The following piece is from the MaddGear website.
"Hey Guys Last Saturday Raymond Warner and Anthony Bustos attended the Mciver skate park Amateur Contest in Lake Elsinore California. This was a big deal as its the first skate park to allow scooters in their county, and there was about 90 kids who entered between Beginner and Amateur. Here are a few pics from the Event and We would like to give Michael Knudson a big Cheer, Who took third in Amateur on his new MGP Nitro. Congrats to all who entered and came to support Scooters."

As always great things coming from MaddGear. For all breaking news on MGP and all the latest news in the sport, keep checking Inside-Scooters.
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