Monday, October 18, 2010

Bendub DVD Review

I recently was given a copy of the Bendub DVD by Jake Clark to review for IS.  Bendub consists of a group of riders from and around Bend, Oregon, as well as some friends.  The video was filmed and edited by Brenden Orton of FlavourMedia.  After my first viewing of the DVD I have to say that I enjoyed it…it definitely was different than what I thought it was going to be.

There are 7 riding sections, including full parts from Matt Kaminsky, Chase Robertson, Ty Alexander, Nick Toigo, Jake Clark, Tyler Bonner, and a friends section.  Most of the riding isn’t too crazy but there are definitely some bangers.  Nick’s part was impressive for sure, he mobs soo hard, I loved his stuff.  Jake Clark has some pretty insane tricks, and of course Tyler Bonner kills the video with the last section.  Ty has a crazy style, I definitely was impressed with a lot of his stuff.  Same with Chase Robertson, his street clips were super nice.  Overall there’s a decent variety of riding, which made me happy.  There are a lot of clips at the Truckstop park, and from one concrete park which got a bit boring, but it wasn’t too bad. 

As far as filming and editing goes, I have no major complaints.  Brenden did a great job, he put the video together really nicely.  There are a few clips shot with a lower quality camera and you can definitely tell though.  But most of it was shot with a GS320, which isn’t super amazing for DVD quality but it gets the job done.  The DVD cover is pretty simple, just a picture of Ty on the front and Jake on the back with some basic text.  The music used is nice, no dubstep or other ridiculous song choices.  Tyler’s song was used back in a Jon Meadows minivideo I believe, but its an awesome song and it worked well so I didn’t mind.

From what I understand Bendub isn’t really a team or anything connected with a company, so for these guys to come together and make a DVD is really awesome.  I definitely give props to Brendon for taking the time to work on this, and for the riders on getting together to get footy, because I know it can be hard to do that sometimes.  While its definitely not super professional, they never hyped it up like it would be (which was the Lucky DVD’s downfall) and I did enjoy it.  So overall the DVD is a little slow at certain parts, but it’s a pretty good watch. 

You can buy a copy of the Bendub DVD on Inward Scooters’ web store for $12.50.



  1. I really enjoyed it to
    great review jordan (:

  2. To be honest the second trailer was better than the DVD apart from boner and nick's parts.
    Filming was okay, but needed to work on shakiness. It is an enjoyable video to watch but 951 and Lucky DVD was defiantly better.

  3. Im really glad to see another local crew of riders making a dvd. Ill pick one up soon forsure :)


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