Thursday, December 3, 2009

The future of the sport?

As the older riders continue to get older, it is up to the younger generation to keep the sport alive and progressing....well I think when it comes to Australia, they got that covered pretty well...with three riders that quickly come to mind. Luke Addison Hicks, Lachy Beeton, and Jackson Bartlett. 10 years old....yes I said 10. And Lachy is 11 and Jackson is 12....just watch the videos.

Luke Addison Hicks

Lachy Beeton

Jackson Bartlett

Ages...10, 11, and 12...and these videos just shut down a lot of riders who have been riding for years and years. These kids have what it takes to easily become some of the sports top riders in only a year or two. It will be interesting to see where they all three are at in a few years.

1 comment:

  1. its a pity that jackson rides bikes now


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