Thursday, December 13, 2012

Jordan Robles Lucky Am Edit

As most people know Jordan never really had a chance to "suck" at riding. When you're 5 years old, and you're already ENTERING comps, not just sitting and watching, you start to progress fast. Fastforward a couple of years, and Jordan is no longer praised simply for being so young or small. He is starting to be recognized simply for how good he is. Growing up in So Cal doesn't hurt either, since he always has people to ride with and feed off of. He's turning into a really well rounded rider, riding street and park, and progressing nicely in both. Definitely check out his latest edit.


  1. So proud of you jordan! you have come a long ways in so little time!!

  2. impressive for a grommie. keep riding hard jordan. love the mix of street and park.


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