Thursday, October 11, 2012

Throwback Thursday: Jesse Macaluso Mini Video 3

Once again you're going to need to be pretty OG to recognize this video and all that it stands for. This video solidified Jesse Mac as one of the sports all time greats. When Jesse first hit the scene in the early early 2000s people didn't really believe he was as good as he said he was. Once Jesse started dropping videos, that quickly changed. He was one of the few riders who were always ahead of the game.

His local was TIC, and you knew it the second you saw him riding the park. There are plenty of TIC clips in this video, and at the time he was most likely the only person throwing down most of the tricks being done in the video at TIC. Besides the riding, I think Jesse's Mini 3 was responsible for a huge amount of The Fall of Troy fans. The song used is  "F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X" and if you were around when this video dropped, I can pretty much guarantee that every time you heard this song, you thought of Jesse's Mini 3. Check it out below.


  1. I was so stoked to actually meet this guy when I was out in jersey. One of the nicest people I know of!

  2. He really is the nicest scooter rider that's ever lived.

  3. Jesse is a great rider and a great person. He could be the Mayor of Scootering with Raymond W. Thanks for the post Steven.

    Korey Kier
    NW Scoot

  4. I remember sitting on AIM with Brian Boston waiting for his computer to upload this video. The hype surrounding this thing will probably never be matched again as far as I'm concerned. One time Kc Corning and I listened to this song in the car and recited the whole video trick for trick.

  5. Still a great video today!! (: i use to watch this over and over wayy back!
    -max demoss

  6. Classic, never forget watching this for the first time or when I met him in Buffalo. Great guy, awesome rider.

  7. the true legend

  8. this video and terry price's minivideo are what got me into scooters. so fucking awesome.

  9. Thank you very much Steven T, and thank you everyone else for your support aswell! Means ALOT to me! Much more than I can express through mere words.

  10. Jesse Macaluso. The man who got me into scootering 10 years ago. I couldn't thank him enough for his mentoring. This video proved by FAR that he was the best park rider in the game. Jesse you still kill it in the park and I know you always will. You're one of my best friends and I love you bro. You're such a good person, an avid thinker, and a great listener. One of the strongest people I know. Stay strong, live long.

  11. pretty much as good as it gets. i used to watch this allllllll the time when i was younger. i still remember watching that video of you at TIC wayyyy back in the day and you did a flair and landed with your hip straight onto the coping haha. and the 360 quad whip a spine was yearssss ahead of its time.. haha

  12. I think he's responsible for more people starting scooting than anybody that's ever rode.

  13. Still love this video, makes me remember the good days of scooter riding when the community would all come together & watch one video. I had countless AIM conversations with Jesse back in the day, we would really help each other progress in park game & what a machine he turned out to be (& a super nice guy too!)

  14. yeah i remember watching this way back when got me stoked to ride all the time. and yes i agree that whenever i hear this song i scream out jesse macaluso mini video three. I actually met a kid at my school who used to ride with jesse and corey winard back in the day. and little did i know that corey winard actually went to my college. crazy stuff haha but props jesse for the amazing video. always will be remembered.

  15. this edit was the reason i picked up a guitar haha


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