Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fidelity Presents ISA Awards: Best Park and Street Nominees

I'm a little concerned as to the process in which these guys were nominated but overall they're pretty spot on choices.  You could definitely make cases for a lot of other riders though.  What do you guys think about this?  I was bummed on the street video for using clips of Matt that were released well over a year ago, as well as the park clips that were in there.  I don't know where actual voting will take place or who will be doing the voting but I will be sure to post whenever I get an update.  There's a third category too, "most inspirational."


  1. Not really interested. How were these riders nominated is one of the things I want to know. Who exactly nominated them?

  2. On the ISA facebook it says these riders were selected by riders or peers

    1. Dude, its an awards ran by THE ISA.. you really think it was legit. Gotta be jokin brah

  3. That's exactly what I was thinking about Matt's clips, he's such a gnarly rider and they don't show his full capability in his clip, too bad, I still voted for him though!

  4. i'd say if you really had to narrow it down to 4 then idk if those would be the 4 id pick for each category, doesnt really matter though cuz none of us are the ones deciding. but i think it would be dope as fuck is there were a best flat category too, and remi is predisqualified for being too good.

  5. bullshit ...

    scooter is an art, not a sport ... there is no n°1, it's only a matter style and feeling expression.

    Another tool to create champions to put on packagings and increase sales.


    1. Smart words from a smart guy. I agree with kevin, for the most part.

    2. yeuuupppp!!!

      -Jessee Ikedah

  6. Can't believe Ryan Gould wasent a street nomine

  7. dan holm should have been in park

    1. Yessss!! he rides a park as it should be ridden

  8. is this a joke. i can easily see scooter "sport"(whatever you want to call it) is going to fade out in a few years because of companies like ISA that are trying to push the "sport" but really they are not helping much at all. more and more companies are coming out Just to make money and release scooters that are absolute crap. i would actually rather it to stay on the Down Low, not trying to get onto tv and dew tour.all that is doing is making skate and bmx hate MORE on scooters.

      Scootering just needs to be Ghethooooooo as fuck!

  9. Pretty much everyone of you are gigantic idiots! Your all so stupid and ignorant. Skaters and BMXers hate you guys, the ones that can't rider. The ones riding comps are the only ones being taken serious.

    1. words can't express how wrong this is, skaters respect street riders like matt mckeen or tyler wheeland.

  10. ...The amount of stupidity in most of these comments..

  11. Matt Mckeen and Tyler Wheeland are over rated and hacks. Stop drinking the Kool Aid

    1. god no, pocket wallride to wallride and wallride down hollywood high 12? I don't even need to talk about anything matt mckeen has done, that man is a god.

    2. you have no idea what you are talking about. matt and tyler are real street riders filming for real videos getting real tricks. they do not fuck around.

    3. You don't know what you're talking about...

  12. Tyler is definitely.. But McKeen, not even.

  13. I think Matt and Tyler don't ride to well, they seem to fall a lot.

    1. Typical robot response. ^^^

    2. If you dont fall then you arent riding at your full potential.

  14. Matt is over the hill and Tyler well he just never made anything out of himself. It's funny how those two people are your heros. No wonder the street scene is nothing and has no credibility with anyone.

  15. Pretty excellent trolling in these past few comments. Very commendable.

  16. FUCK that BIG SHIT OF THE ISA AND FUCK EVERYONE WHOOSE DOWN WITH IT ! what the heel ? I wanna see blood of Phil Grace going down of this reply. Can't understand till what point are REAL PRO RIDERS permitting this shit... Common, stop supporting that shit and burn them.

    Sincerely if i would attend that ISA contest realized the past weekend, it would be only because a lot of big nice riders are attending it (overall good friends of different countries that we don't get the choice to meet them everyday) but FOR SURE NEVER BECAUSE THE ISA WAS ORGANIZING IT. Even can't understand why brands can support it. STOP LOOKING FOR THE NR.1 and START LOOKING FOR THE FEELING OF RIDING SCOOTERS and express this nice art... ya cunts.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!