Monday, September 17, 2012

Ryan Erwin Summer 2012

Ryan doesn't ride much anymore which is pretty sad cause it would have been really cool to see what he could do if he ever progressed beyond the driveway and his local.  It's easy to see that he has a lot of skill...never thought I'd see that last trick being done on flat.


  1. Totally awesome man, can't believe you don't ride more! Thumbs up for flat! :D

  2. Ryan were coming up soon to rip boston... its been to long

  3. So you can bar manny fingerwhip flat? Waaat... You gotta come down soon we miss you

    -Nate Gendron

  4. Wow the only other bar manny finger whip out flat I saw was from my old friend Aaron back in 2003 haha. Took a while, but cool to see someone else do it. Ryan really does have some crazy skill


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