Sunday, August 5, 2012

Michael Hohmann

I almost didn't wanna post this.  He does a lot of gimmicky kind of tricks and I'm not too sure how I feel about those headphones but you can't deny that he's got some skill.  At the very least he has an original style and that is very cool and hard to pull of these days.  Last few tricks were huge.  


  1. He definately has his own style compared to many other riders and I like it.

  2. "I'm not too sure how I feel about those headphones"

    Posted video of Terry Price with the biggest most disgusting headphones ever. This guy shredded the gnar and his style and as you say say "gimmicky kind of tricks" where tight, one of THE best video put out in a while.

    Zak Fazer

  3. yeah, needs to loose the beats but that was pretty darn cool. double nosegrab, wtw!

  4. Yo girlfriend look like my mom

    1. Haha im single man

    2. danm dude like you style you pulled off some really good tricks.good job your gonna go big someday

  5. He's one of my best friends from Sarasota and gets better everyday

  6. The dude killed it. It's funny how Jordan calls him out for doing "gimmicky kind of tricks," but he's doing tricks along the lines of what Jon Knudtson is doing. When he came out with his video, everyone was on his dick and praised him for that type of shit.

  7. Spencer CunninghamAugust 5, 2012 at 4:13 PM

    cross footed boardslide was dopee!

  8. jon knudtson has a different type of creative tricks, some of them werent even hard in this edit

  9. Theres no need to put in these add ons saying "I almost didnt want to post this" if your going to post something please post it with out the silly bull sh*t thats in almost every one of your posts its annoying and your not keeping it real like that.

  10. Yeah please don't put that you almost weren't going to post it if your do. I'd rather you not post it so they don't have to deal with the hate. Also makes me not wanna send a video due to my style being similar. Theres a lot of us doin fast plant tricks and shit like that and they deserve to be credited accordingly.

  11. I think this kid rips....and i tell you what, there are some up and coming riders that are going to redefine this sport.

  12. You guys don't realize Jordan doesn't give a shit what you think, he was one of the founders of Inside and knows how to run it!
    And on the note of the video, I can see how some people would love to watch these style of videos, but it's just not for me, I prefer some crazy real street riding.
    And also, what deck is that? At first I thought it was an MGP but at closer look it wasn't even close!?! Anyone know what deck?

    1. you prefer real street riding? did you see the last two clips by any chance you big gronk

    2. Really? Because If I submitted a video to ANY site I'd rather it not even go up if someone was going to post an editorial like that underneath it. Comments are one thing but a site moderator/ "founder who knows hot to run it"'s opinion can do some damage.

      Talk all you want to make yourself feel like an OG but the truth is you'd be just as insulted if Jordan wrote that underneath your video.

  13. i think hes riding a vertx deck. that last clip is crazyyyyyyyy, ive been to that skatepark he was at in the end(payne park). The last clip he did, doesnt even seem possible, props.

    -josh smukal

  14. that last clip is so crazy, Ive been to the skatepark he was at in the end, (payne park). His style is really good.

  15. its jordans blog, he posts what he wants, if you dont like it, then stop coming on the site...

    1. Steven owns this blog basically.. Jordan just posts bullshit on it lol


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