Monday, June 4, 2012

Josh Toy Scooter Check

Josh Toy recently got another scooter check done. He breaks down his whole set up, and follows it up with some solid clips. Keep your eyes open for switch tricks. It is pretty nuts that you can't clearly tell his switch clips, that's how clean they are. For the record I believe he rides Regular, so all that goofy is switch. Check it out below.


  1. "I dont ride for razor" huge razor poster in the backround XD

  2. Some straight up impossible stuff in there. Mindblown.

  3. sooo good. will always be a josh toy fan, i love the switch stuff. switch ice, the last trick with the fakie manny, wow <3

    - andy bradford

  4. Hey guys check out the Space Scooter X580. its the best 2 in 1 scooter out there and people of all ages are loving it!


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