Sunday, June 17, 2012

Jan Laranjo - Anti Social

As if the tech destruction from JD a couple videos below wasn't enough, Jan Laranjo recently dropped a new edit and it's full of ridiculous tech tricks. Jan is a lot of fun to watch, and in this edit they tried to emphasize on the fact that riding should be about having fun, and doing tricks you actually enjoy doing. It's a good watch, so check it out.

Filmed/Edited by Florian Toegel


  1. Look at him rockin the elyts kicks.

  2. That was really, really sick.

  3. This is what riding is all about :)

  4. well that was a wast of tree minutes and fifty seconds

  5. Just because it's fun for you doesn't mean it's interesting or different for everyone else.

  6. The video was great. You two anonymous scrubs wish you could manny or scooterfakie as well as him. But you can't.

  7. Dank vibe video man.

    -Zak Frazer

  8. wtf how does he fit a nose manual inbetween

    every trick


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!