Saturday, April 7, 2012

Trilogy Scooters News Letter

Trilogy Scooters started making it's name recently, though they don't have anywhere near the amount of recognition they should have. This company has a lot of potential, so let's learn a little bit more about them and their one piece deck, in their news letter below.


Welcome to Trilogy Scooters, our goal is to take scooters to a whole new level. The scooter movement worldwide is already blessed with many quality scooter suppliers; our product goal therefore needs to be more than just talk. Follow the Trilogy journey through our newsletters and I will show why we are different and where we drew our inspiration from to develop the greatest ride ever seen. Our newsletter is so much more than a new product launch; Trilogy incorporates the latest & greatest.
Trilogy Scooters is taking scooters to an advanced level. We started with an organic interest to just make a scooter that was truly and invention of the rider, a ride for both the professional and the novas to enjoy.

Now within weeks of our official product launch we can’t wait, we are very excited to show you how we did it, using modern technology and skill to create the most attention to detail scooter ever seen. It’s not an opinion it’s a fact.

We have focused on what you the riders have asked for; our goal is to incorporate manufacturing best in every level of the Trilogy Scooter ride.

The Trilogy Scooter Journey

Our journey started with reviewing the industry and identifying their competitive differences, looking into the failures and other ways to do it better.
Most scooters are made from aluminium grade T6 6061, for those of you that do not understand, this is one of many grades of aluminium. T6 6061 is strong, weldable, used in the aircraft industry but has limited manufacturing options & is not the strongest.

Most scooters’ shapes are formed from extrusion or extrusion/CNC machining; each Aluminium grade has limited manufacturing options and the wrong grade will limit the ride.

Aluminium that is extruded and welded is not the strongest aluminium process available in the market. Also unfortunately allot of reference to the yield strength refers to the strength before the extrusion and welding takes place which is a shame when comparing various scooter brands.

Q: What makes a scooter great?

The misunderstanding is simple, choosing a particular material does not satisfy strength. A material’s strength is a combination of the material and the shape. The shape is a component of shape and form.

Shape & Form for example: - a wooden ruler held flat is easy to break, however take the wooden ruler and hold it vertically it becomes almost impossible to break that is because when held vertically the structural strength is much greater.
Our scooter begins its journey from what really makes a scooter great!

A: Design & Strength

Trilogy Scooters has been shaped and formed to deliver the greatest ride on the strongest scooter ever.

• No Welding
• No Extrusion
• Highest grade aluminium.
• a first true one piece scooter deck.

To do it better, we have put all options on the table and found a smorgasbord of opportunity for you and the growing culture of scooter riders.
Yes the launch is weeks away and we will reveal all our secrets before the launch, but before we launch follow our journey and see why we had to do it different.
The Trilogy Scooter journey will continue in the next news letter a week from now and every week on Inside-Scooters, until we launch.


  1. "a first true one piece scooter deck"

    When you weld decks the metal is fused together and once you heat treat the deck the molecular structure becomes the same through out the whole deck. Hence.. One Piece. It is actually stronger at the weld points if welded properly.
    So.. "First true one piece deck" is a false claim.

  2. ...annnnnnnnd no flat bottom. Clearly some flaws in logic here when people are still making the bottom of their decks like this

  3. Trilogy will be lucky to sell these to anybody, the price they are looking for is too great for a deck like this. It has no flat bottom, no squares sides and is ugly as hell. To claim they are the first true one piece deck is just wack. Honestly, I just see this as one of those companies that will just use all their money on marketing and production, without realising that scooter riders don't need/ want a deck like this. I predict there will be no trilogy within 6 months.

  4. @'Guy who ..thinks he.. knows what he is talking about'..... do your homework before publishing your opinion rather than fact!!!! You will find that, you sir are WRONG. .... Sorry nothing personal.

  5. I've actually RODE a Trilogy Deck. You guys have NO idea how good they are.

  6. I don't try and hate on anyone or any company, but I can't understand the marketing techniques and approaches some companies use..... This is a scooter, sell it to the scene don't come up with some Bull S*** Business presentation! LOL " The ultimate in scooter technology!" No need for a god damn power point presentation to sell your "scooter" bros..... We need raw shit, something dope, something that says ya that shit is sick and hardcore.... Not something that Bill Lumberg is trying to sell during a board meeting at a round table.....

    You have a solid set up but use your money and resources in a legit way....Strike one trilogy, two more and you're out......

  7. Most attention to detail? mhm, thats why theres two fucking razor blades sticking out of the bottom of the deck, those things aren't gonna stand a chance against a chunky cement ledge, even with an inch of wax melted over it.

  8. Ive seen and rode the latest prototype at the GC COMPOUND The guys hating on these obviously have no idea whatsoever, and just to let ya know it grinds as good as any other deck, if not better with the aluminium that they have used. -.- shut your mouth ya retard!!

  9. @Anonymous...

    "@'Guy who ..thinks he.. knows what he is talking about'..... do your homework before publishing your opinion rather than fact!!!! You will find that, you sir are WRONG. .... Sorry nothing personal."

    Don't state that I am wrong without showing me where I was wrong or providing evidence that disproves what i am saying.

  10. Some of these comments are outrageous and absurd and any person with half a brain would know that a solid piece of aluminium with no welds which has been designed and engineered as the newsletter DISPLAYS would be way stronger than any extruded deck OR 3 x pieces of aluminium welded together.... People should think before they open their mouths..!!!!!!

  11. wow has anyone noticed how 3/4 of these comments are either from a rider of theirs or the makers of them? pretty funny. also i have a few cents to add, do any of your riders even know the difference? knowing who is on the team they arent too knowledgeable when it comes to the intricate parts of scooters. the reason scooters dont already look like this is, too expensive thus overboard and no attention to the things like how injury prone it is or more suitable for long term grinding or even weight distribution. good work on the engineering front but nothing reasonable in terms of rider preference.

  12. I actually ride the trilogy everyday, and i have no problem with finger whips hurting me or grinding, i may not be good when it comes to grinds but it slide well. And as for the sides there not a thing edge they are rounded non pointy so it doesn't hurt as much. I see no problems with the deck i feel so safe when I'm riding it, its hell solid and comfortable. There so much hate towards companies who start up and not give them a chance but if they start to go good then everyone want to know about them? stupid i think.

    and this is only the first model, maybe they have thought to start with this then go to flat bottoms and flat sides so there are more then just one deck to choose from and different styles instead of bring out the perfect deck straight away. I find it perfectly fine right now and don't have a problem with it but its every rider to there own opinion i guess but i love the deck and the company so thats just me.


  13. And for billie you say that the comments are from trilogy's rider or the makes but the owner nor any riders have commented till now? only people who have ridden the scooter and had a go of mine have said something about it everyone else is just commenting, there are only two riders on the team at the moment and I'm the only one from the team who has commented.



If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!