Friday, April 13, 2012

MGP Three in One

Three videos from MGP. First up is a really chill Super 60 from Jackson Bartlett. Chill song, and really clean riding made for a really fun watch.

Filmed/Edited by Nickeh

Next up we introduce a new MGP Europe rider, Carlos Monne from Spain. Looks like he rides street and park, but kills it a little harder in the streets and with his tech style. It would be interesting to see an MGP rider that primarily rides street as opposed to park. Wonder what his next edit will look like.

Finally a little update video from the MGP USA guys who are currently doing the East Coast tour. This was a little clip from their stop at Beachwood Bicycles.


  1. Jackson Bartlett is the man!

  2. Haha yeah Jeremy wearing the gryndo hat from woodward, steeze


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