Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ryan Williams vs The Step Up

R Willy got this done in about 15 minutes. Lots of downside stuff in here. Last trick looked pretty ridiculous. With Ryan Williams last edit being as jam packed with bangers as it was, it has to leave you wondering what he is possibly planning to do for his next edit. Also starting to wonder if MGP is planning to do a DVD at all. Given it will be mostly all park riding, I think it would still have some ridiculous stuff in there.


  1. Jean-Yves RandriambelsonMarch 21, 2012 at 3:55 AM

    Props for the last trick and the down triple

  2. Downside bri haha. Been trying those for so long. Impossible

  3. was that opp 360 bri?

  4. Wtf 360 downside triple heel

  5. Down side bris will most likely never happen for me


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