Thursday, March 1, 2012

Michael Pytel Winter Throwaway

Posting throwaway isn't something we do at IS a lot, but I made an exception for Michael. I knew that Michael had a lot of potential in his riding. When you start to see that even in his throwaway, I think that means something. He is one of the riders who is good at riding both street or park. I really appreciate riders who I can watch their park or street clips and enjoy them both the same. Last clip is going to be crazy when he gets it.

Hope we see a real edit soon.


  1. to bad when he enter in comps he dont enter pro bc hes a sandbager and goes into INTERMEDIATE bc he scared to go in pro losser

  2. i don't go into pro because i am not a pro rider. if i was a sandbagger i would place in comps. witch i don't. iv placed in One comp and i attend lots. A sandbag-er would be able to consistently place, which i cant. that's why i go into intermediate.

  3. good riding shitty editing


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