Saturday, March 24, 2012

MADD Weekend with Terry Price, Dan Avery, and Sam Everett

Three of MGP UK's best recently went on a weekend trip to a few parks, did some signings, and demos for the kids, and overall had a really good time. Sometimes watching a video featuring multiple riders you tend to get a vibe that they're not even having a good time. You get the opposite here for sure. Terry kills it with some of his peg stuff, and the end of the video is pretty tight. Sam, who was down and out due to an injury calls out the tricks for Dan and Terry, and they try to get it done. Check it out below.


  1. Harry Potter with some filmburns.

  2. Werdd Sam Everett Still Riding In A Cast , Reppin MGP For Dayss . #truerider

  3. terry looks like a chode but he still rides like a boss

  4. Favorite part was the fresh Nikes in the beginning -Ostrom


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