Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dialed Scooter Mag

Well it's been a long time coming, but the wait is coming to an end very soon. All I can say is soon everyone will be able to get a copy of Dialed. See the pictures below for a little sneak peek.

To anyone who thinks I am trying to "compete" with other Magazines, I'm not. To anyone who thinks I care what other Magazines are doing, I don't. Myself, and the Staff behind Dialed are doing this for the sport that we love, a sport we actually take part in, the sport that we grew up doing.

Fresh off the UPS truck

Yeah, Phoenix has a spread in Dialed. Without giving away too much, let's just say Cooper is a beast.

MGP was definitely "Madd Enough" to get into Dialed Issue 1.

Get ready guys, cause we have all worked hard on Dialed. Some familiar names that helped make this happen, are Tyler Wheeland, Dylan Kasson, Alex Steadman, and Shelby Grimnes. All of us are happy that the hard work is over, and we finally get to have the Magazine out for you guys.

Stay tuned to ISB for official release dates.


  1. Awesome! Cant wait to get my copy! :)

  2. Kevin Austin -
    Send me a copy Steven ! haha

  3. Hahahaha awesome Steven!

    FSM doesnt even count.. Sc00ter DADZ!

  4. That front board on the front page looks so sick and legit.

  5. Dialed is doing it big! I need to get myself a copy.

  6. I have seen the JPG's of the pages and it is a pretty cool mag.

  7. ayyyyyyyeee iwas der wen dat shit came nigga we out here goin stupid to crazy my niggas steve to dope for dis mag movin mean out here scooters cumin up niggga bay area all day nigga

  8. So stoked to get my copy!
    - kodye gregory

  9. hell yea steven. i wanna see the S.F to L.A shittttt

  10. Send like 5 to Kevin plz. Love, Aaron.

  11. the tilt article better be goooood


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