Monday, February 13, 2012

War Scooters Introduction to "Boot Camp" Video Series

War Scooters is sticking true to their name and releasing a series of videos called, Boot Camp, for younger riders and or riders who want to learn how to keep their scooters dialed, and running good. The "Boot Camp" series will be releasing a new video each week that you can find here on ISB when they drop. You can check out the entertaining "Orientation" video below haha.


  1. That was pretty ridiculous. You shouldn't need a gimmick to make a series of videos. It's incredibly cheesy and only makes our sport look childish.

  2. NO.... FUCK.... WHY?!?!

    there's a line, and they crossed it.

  3. I think its funny and entertaining. It's just to help kids dude

  4. are you kidding.....these are the companies that are in our commmunity. wow im in shock.

  5. LOL that should be a program at camp woodward :P

  6. this shit is homo as fuck please war scooters if you have a brain, take this off.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!