Monday, January 23, 2012

Benjamin Friant "Clips in the Trash"

Some more insane footage from one of the world's best riders.  This is all footage from the end of 2011.  Super crazy park and street lines.  I feel like the backflip to can plant would be really painful on your knee/ankle...BenJ is just a superman.


  1. i could never get that backflip to canplant, haha its so hard!

    so good, that 3whip that last gap was SO beast. so many good clips.

  2. fuck "rwilly" or brendon smith, BenJ will always be the best park rider. soooo many fucked up tricks in this, and he gets more air than anybody.

  3. Dammit.... that was awesome. Loving it Benj!

  4. that was fuckin illl i cant believe what i jus saw everything was just crazy. benj is def one of the worlds best riders if not the most unique his style is jus crazyyy that 3 whip at the end most of felt so fucking good

  5. Been one of my favorite riders since 2005... still blllooooowwwwwing my mind!

  6. deffenetly my favorite rider in the game rite now.


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