Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Scooter Kids

This is a documentary by Jon Knudtson that was released a couple weeks ago.  I was going to post it but at the time there had already been another docu on the front page so I set it aside and promptly forgot about it.  Anyways this features the scooter scene in the Boston, Massachussetts area.  Its pretty cool hearing what the skaters have to say about us.  Nice job Jon.


  1. Loved this.

    Pretty stoked for Jon and Georgie to have had such a big influence out there, and in such a positive way.

    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't equally stoked to hear a shout out to Inside-Scooters. =)

  2. You ever get made fun of for riding a skateboard? Haha the tables have turned.

  3. Wasnt as good as some of the other documentaries. Seemed a bit under edited and childish at sometimes. But this was really tight. I love watching documentaries like this. Love Georgie and Bobby pantano such shredders!

  4. I think it's safe to say that the scooter craze has started again. Going to your local park and seeing kids that you don't know, riding scooters, is sweet.

  5. Kids scooter comes with attractive colors, smooth operating wheels, and better frames and decks. The scooters and handlebars are folding or non-folding.

    Kids scooter


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