Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nick Donatelli Introduces, theEMP

What are we lacking in the sport, that other sports got more than enough of? Clothing and Apparel companies. I am a firm believer that if you are gonna make a company like this, it helps a lot to actually be a rider. That is one thing you won't have to worry about with theEMP. Check out the video below to get all the details on theEMP from Nick himself.

Also be sure to check Inside-Scooters for all your news, updates, and information on theEMP, cause we will be posting it all here first.

Go hit up their facebook..... now.



  1. Underrated riders eh?

  2. Ehhhhh i thought as much. Usually when people come out with this kinda shit it's not too original, and not enough background is given. I completely lost him when he wa talking about the team, "i chose them for main and specific reasons" (wtf grammar donatelli) cuz its obvious that those riders cant support the image well, they're just buddies of his duhhhh. You know what i say? DON'T BELIEVE THA HYPE!!! im all for doing your own thing, but like you arent making a big impression on what vibe you're producing. 7 months and you've only got this??? I'd like to see this one stay afloat...

  3. Ahahaha Gotta love the haters! Especially when they leave their name anonymous, but whatever think whatever you want. Ive always wanted to start this company and i want to do it right and not rush it. (by the way im not too pumped on this video, making a newer one soon)

  4. Let's just creep around the woods talking about scooters Hahah.

  5. Nine times out of ten a rider started and owned company will be better than the alternative, whatever it may be. This is one of those cases.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!