Sunday, December 4, 2011

Isaac Coy

This video doesn't have a ton of crazy tricks but the riding is super clean and solid.  Overall the video has a cool little vibe/concept goin on.  And I'm starting to see a little bit of Conor Davidson in this kid.  Nice edit.


  1. Excellent overall effect, I liked it.

  2. man the stuff that gets posted now adays :(

  3. Loved it! I'll be putting this on my Athlete Page.

  4. I loved it so much. I prefer videos like these over those Australian, Ryan Williams type videos any day.

  5. I know the mixed opinion on riding styles, but god damn. anyone can go self film on a foot tall ledge trying to have steez and jumping over a log. i would lean more to the street side if people actually did cool stuff.

  6. honestly why is this on inside


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