Friday, September 23, 2011

New Aussie Lucky Scooter Parts Flow Rider: Darcy Altavilla

Supposedly it was a no brainer when LSP received this sponsor video from Darcy, who hails from Australia. Darcy is the latest rider to make it onto the LSP Flow Team. Very solid style, check out his edit below, and congratulations from Inside-Scooters to Darcy for making the LSP Flow Team.


  1. Ur style is sick ur def. going to get sponsored!

  2. All street gets boring do some park kid

  3. naww keep it street.park is just a bunch of styleless tricks on the same quarter

  4. streets is gay, people that go to street are people that are shit at ramps.

  5. people that say that street is bad... THATS JUST THE AUSSI STATUSSS!! HAHAHAH street is where its at.

  6. Kevin Austin -

    Why are you hiding behind anonymous if you are gonna hate ? put your name there if you want to do that. Street riding in my opinion is more respected because it is alot harder to throw down on a street spot that it is for a skatepark that is built for you to ride.

  7. Yeah, lets watch park, watch repeated tricks on the same type of ramps, Park edits are boring as fuck, With a street edit you can't really tell what is going to happen next, Unlike a boring park edit, $tr33t L!f3

  8. Baird Newbern-

    Why are you guys downing on other people within our sport. Be open and accept and respect what others do. If you want other sports to do it to ours then we have to do it to eachother

  9. Darcy's a homie and shreds hard, fuck the haters.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!