Sunday, May 15, 2011

TSC Texas Street

I enjoyed this very very much.  This time Josh Herman and the Texas Scooter Crew met up with Matt Ogle to ride some street.  Looks like such a fun time, I know it always is with Matt around.  Really nice vibe, great stuff all around guys.  I believe that was Chris Dant with the front board, so gnarly.


  1. Thanks Jon!

    And thanks Jordan for putting this up, it was a fun session for sure.

  2. Sick video!! Chris sick nose grind on that chair.

  3. The most basic decision is to decide where you are going to ride the scooter. This will determine your engine size requirement.

  4. lol at the above

    Man anytime I get to see Matt ride is a fucking treat. Great job by everyone.

  5. SpennnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyMay 17, 2011 at 2:57 AM

    taht FS board made me smile


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