Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kody Geiger "Flipping to Grass"

Normally I wouldn't post up a video that was posted to my wall on Facebook but I did take a liking to this video. While the video quality isn't the best some of the riding is pretty awesome. I've been following Kody's riding for a while and am very harsh with him when it comes to filming/editing and so on, in this video he's shown vast improvement not only with his filming and editing skills but on his scooter as well. So sit back and enjoy the video!


  1. Great work Kody.. You work really hard at the sport. Thank you for pushing Kaleb.. Good Luck at Cooter Con

  2. Gah skatebarn clips were dope is he doing pro in cooter con?! Cuz if he's doing am that's gay

  3. that was really shitty, i hated the entire video

  4. IS please respond to this! if we do have a good video that we want you to consider posting, where should we send it?!?!

  5. he has shown lots of improvements nice ridding dude

  6. Kota Smells Like PooApril 6, 2011 at 12:18 AM

    Ewwwww kota scooters...

  7. nice gloves, and the gunk on the lens was a great effect!

  8. Removed because of Copyright?

    Maybe not in the US

    Lucky you, i guess

  9. Wow, I actually loved that video. Really nice riding all around.

  10. i find it really sad how people are hating on this. just because it wasnt high quilty and didnt have the most amazing tricks (frontflip whip i wish i could do that stuff!)and who cares what scooter he's riding. since when was scootering a parts contest?

  11. Very well said Kharn.

    To the anonymous wondering where to send their videos to. Please send them to


    I get a LOT of emails every day. So if I don't answer yours, please send another one. Thanks.

  12. Thank you Chris! means a lot bro ive been doing my best.. and were getting a new camera so my quality will be better :) and ive been editing a whoollee bunch listening to what everyone has to say and doing everything to fix what i messed up on


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!