Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Danny Roberts Edit

About a couple weeks ago I asked for more UK riders to start sending in their videos, or videos of UK riders that they think need a little more exposure. One of my new favorite riders from the UK since then, has been Danny Roberts. One of the main things I look for in riders is how clean they ride, and how smooth they make their tricks look. Well Danny does a great job at both. Check out his latest edit below.

Thanks to Matthew Wiles and Lewis Williams for the emails.

Editing by Jake Pogson


  1. Yeaaa! Actually so stoked thankyou everyone above did not expect to be on the first time round, let alone twice! Also Inside for taking the time to go though and look at the vids, and putting them on the website <3

  2. just lettin chu know inside, you have more than 2,000,000 page views!

  3. Cleanest riding iv seen in a while

  4. my dick is massive

  5. that. was a fucken sick video.

  6. my dick is hard for them double whip 180s/ I LOVE YOU DANNY ROBERTS! WOO ;))))))

  7. couldn't even watch once the song started playing.

  8. danny roberts comes from where i live and the park at the end i go to


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