Friday, March 11, 2011

Morgan Delhaye- Oxelo Video

This is really random...but really nice.  Last I knew Morgan Delhaye was on the French ID team...and now this video of him shows up with him riding in Miami, Florida, for some company called Oxelo?  The video itself was put together by a company called Studio Ores.  They did an amazing job with it, thats what HD edits should look like.  As for this company, it looks like a French/UK company that also makes inline skates, skateboards, and ice skates.  Interesting.  Oh, and hang five up and then down that bank thing was nuts.


  1. Boardslides and any rail trick riding ski look cheesy.

    chris dant

  2. Article of really bad quality in my opinion. The look of the video is not due to HD just to the lenses on DSLR cameras or cinema video cameras, which are really expensive. Make one video like this and you can open your own studio Jordan. Having a blured background doesn't mean it's due to HD. What could have been said instead of the name of the studio would probably be that we got an artistic vision of our sport and it's one of the first time. Then Oxelo is a French brand of Decathlon, probably the leader of sports in Europe (the kind of equivalent to K-Mart).If you'd dug a bit more, on their website you'd have found some photos of the scooter they sell. This website looks again like a video news website.

  3. Oxelo is one of the brands of Decathlon, probably the biggest sport chain In Europe. They have different brands in each speciality, the bikes brand is Rockrider, the Football brand is Kipsta, the swimming brand is Tribord... and the scooter&inline&skate is Oxelo.

  4. Needs more bird footage

  5. That was put together sooo well.

  6. real scooters was just up at that park and all toughs spots Wednesday

  7. so damn nice!!!
    and this oxelo scooter looks also very nice and it has a new compression i think
    at 00:25

  8. here in barcelona, oxelo scooters are more for begginers or kids that dont know how to bunny, and has no compression whatsoever


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