Friday, February 4, 2011

Michael Knudson and Ryan Gould Scooter Zone Promo

You may already be familiar with some of the Scooter Zone Pro riders, like Raymond Warner and Monky. But they got a team of flow riders as well. These guys are quickly moving their way up the ladder. Two of those riders are Michael Knudson and Ryan Gould.

My first memory of Michael, I was in Arizona, and I saw a kid in the parking lot throwing flat triple tailwhips like it was no big deal. Needless to say I was pretty impressed.

My first time seeing Ryan ride was when me and a bunch of friends were at Chino. He was killing it with his pegs, and had my attention right away. So I'm glad that these two guys are now representing Scooter Zone. Check out their Promo video below.


  1. You dirty devil. Beating me to smith grind combos ;)

  2. Sooo ryan is the shit now! cant believe how fast hes progressing haha keep it it playa

  3. people need to stop using this song.

  4. ^ i agree completely. What is with all of the trendy songs lately. they suck.

  5. Congrats Ryan and Michael, you guys are beasts


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