Thursday, February 17, 2011

Josh Kersten New Edit

Yep, it's an Aussie video. There are plenty of scooter flip thingys. If you don't like those, don't click the video.

Personally, I'm a fan of all different styles of riding. However, I'm pretty picky with the scooter flip whip stuff. Mainly because they're just not done "big" enough. Josh is different though. Bri to triple whips over boxes, Bri to triple airs, quint airs. His barspin combos are also really good, so look out for those. Check out the video below.

Thanks for supporting Inside-Scooters Josh!


  1. Why does he always land so low down, he must lose all his speed.

  2. loved the spine clips <3

  3. he reminds me of how you ride jake looks like your style bro

  4. Thanks for using my term steven.;)

  5. wtf was this? he says yeaaaa after every clip? bahaha


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