Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zero Gravity Sponsorship Opportunity

Zero Gravity is known for having some of the best quality and strongest parts in the industry, and now they are going to be sponsoring riders all around the world. Those that are chosen to be sponsored by ZG will get a really nice discount on all parts for one year, and possibly be added onto the Team.

Zero Gravity is looking for ONE rider PER STATE. Meaning One rider from each of the 50 states in the USA. HOWEVER, ZG now ships worldwide, and they are also looking for ONE RIDER from any Country outside of the USA to sponsor as well. If you want to see a list of states that ZG already has sponsored riders in, please click the following link.
ZG Sponsored Riders

If you are interested in becoming sponsored by Zero Gravity please send your Resume and any pictures or videos you have to the following email address.

This is an awesome opportunity for all riders to get a nice sponsorship from an amazing company. Start making your sponsor videos and send them in as soon as possible!

I dunno about you guys, but I would love a Spider deck! Check it out below


  1. For some reason why is most of the riders from Zero cant even double whip flat or do bri's ;/

  2. thats gonna be a big team...

  3. I really hope I get it...this company is madddd legit..I want the integrated headtube for my lucky or even the hole deck is dope to and this would help(:

  4. Im def sending in a video

  5. Nice scooters like thm very much and am love to ride on....

  6. Merhawi, I'm riding for Zero Gravity and I can do double flat and bri... Anyway, are not my favourite tricks, that's the reason why are not in my vids.

  7. Aussie rider is picked i am 99% sure

  8. hmmm i wonder how much competition im gonna get from the rest of north dakota.

    but i cant double whip flat or do a bri.

    1. well what tricks do you need 2 get sponsered then

  9. I wonder how competitive Illinois will be...
    -Tyler Jones

  10. I will send something in, but i'm from Texas.. whatever.

    chris dant

  11. I'm a chick...and I love ZG. If I get a sponsor watch out.... I can triple whip flat!

  12. Alright then Pol Aceña.

  13. I could one footed double whip flat and do flip tricks but im too lazy to make a sponsor vid. X)

  14. But who cares if someone can double whip or bri flat? What's important I think is to be a complete rider and be legit to the brand that sponsor you! :)

  15. Not much competition in Vermont.

  16. haha then why are you anonymous? "anonymous chick" above me...

  17. gnarly.i could get sponsored

  18. chances are they only sponser hardcore christians.

  19. To Tyler Jones
    If a few of the better put out vids IL could have some tough competition.

  20. (ABOVE ME REPLIED) hahaha XD before doing a scooter trick. You pray "dear lord, thanks for the eagle sport wheels, FSA headset with the ZG one piece bars and deck" and then ride. Haha but na im just kidding i love you god.

  21. Im from California and i know WELL I WILL NOT GET SPONSORED! Doing flip tricks and whip tricks just arn't gonna cut it.

  22. I asked about having to be a christian. They said no you don't have to be christian.

  23. Well I'm a very strong Christian anyways so idk perhaps that will help. That's what makes ZG look so attractive to me. And AJ haha I'll bet that some good Chicago guys would beat me out but I don't care haha I'll prob try anyways.
    -Tyler Jones

  24. You're talking about bullshit. They don't really care if you are Christian or not, they only want your respect... so stop talking about bullshit.

  25. haha talking about bullshit hahaha! hey can we all get along XD

  26. how much of a discount are we talkin.somone reply.

  27. when do we find out if we are sponsered?

  28. I'm a HUGE christian and this would be amazing! I wonder if there are any other people from Indiana???????

  29. click the link Steven put up to find out.;]

  30. when do we find out if we get sponsored???????????????????????

  31. How good do u need to be to get in the team as i can bri 180,bri normally,double whip,360 bars

  32. Me and my mate can both bri 180 and bri normally he can invert and inward and i can 360 bars,bar to whip. is that good enough ?

  33. I can 360 Bar, Double whip flat, 540 Bar, 720 Tyre spin, and invert. Is this good enough to get sponsored?

    I know its not all about the skill, its about respecting the other riders out there.

    1. Can you sponcer me if so please reply


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!