Monday, January 10, 2011

Wazzeh Interview

Warick “Wazzeh” Beynon is one of the faces and jokers of Blunt Scooters.  At every park he rides, he soon can be found talking to other riders, scooters or not.  He is very involved with the development of new products, yet is still very much in the sport for the fun of it.  He plays a big role in Blunt, and is stoked to be on the team.  Hanging out with him for a couple weeks has been super fun.  Hanging out with him and the Aussies really shows you a different side of riding and the outlook that riders outside of the US have.

Interview by Jordan Jasa

Jordan Jasa:  How are ya liking America so far?

Wazzeh:  The states has been rad, meeting riders i looked up to and like watch and talked too over the internet was real dope . But just riding in a totally different scene has made it a siQQ experience.

What are some of the biggest differences between the States and Aus?

The local levels of riding and scenes are alot different to aus like most young grubbers in australia can do flips and briflips but over here theyre only just starting out, and turndowns in australia are sexy; turndowns in the states make brendon smith puke.


How do you like the food here?

Twinkies are god.
but for like breakfast lunch and dinner we eat burgers and fries, is there anything else around this hood yanks im getting obese.

Yeah man hit up Subway if you want something healthy.  How are you getting on with your US teammates?

The blunt team is like family, the aussies have such opposite styles and stuff to the usa team but we all get along; i wouldnt have it any other way.

Haha very true.  Can you tell us about the A&W you stopped at?

well on our seven hour trip back from arizona we pulled into an A&W and we were just kicken back getting a feed when our sponsor Walt Disney [Dinny, co-owner of Blunt] decided to annoy the crap out everyone else eating so he walked over to the jukebox and set ‘2 legit 2 quit’ to play for an hour straight hahahahaha !

168201_190585910954959_185223698157847_800508_5697995_nWazzeh, Max and Brendon doing the tourist thing in Hollywood.

How has the riding been?  Do you like the parks?

I’ve filmed a few solid clips and been riding fairly good but the parks aren’t as good as i thought but some stuff we’ve ridden has been amazing. I was disappointed with how i rode at the SD comp but like comps aren’t everything so im focusing on a legit video.

Other than your riding, how was SD5?

it was pretty cool but like tbh it was a let down.. we travelled from Australia at this time of year for the comp and they weren’t gunna let us ride? like i had to called my mum at 6.30 sunday morning back at home to even get into the place, but yet i rode the day before and what not.
The experience was cool tho.

168522_190586224288261_185223698157847_800516_1570477_n The crew enjoying a meal at a Mexican place in LA.

Do you have any  american idols?

ZIG SHORT, we don’t have anyone that crazy in Australia or that gangster.
But ive ridden with so many rad people this trip so big shout out to Georgie, lance, J-Meadows and that crew and just everyone thats been chill with us.

So Blunt has been giving you a pretty chill tour yeah?

Yeah definitely, thats the most legit thing about our team.
The Blunt family gets that we’re kids and that we live for riding, but also that its holidays for us back in Australia so there not up tight about us doing specific things and they don’t ask for us to be crazy like wake up and have our whole day planned out where just chillen, kicken back and enjoying the experience.

That’s awesome.  So wrapping it up, what can we expect from Blunt and yourself in the future?

There is alot to come from blunt, i wish i could dribble all the crazy ideas out but 2011 is gunna be huge. As for me, ide really like to film a legit video, get some new bangers and just enjoy riding.

thanks to blunt, my family and inside, ‘get rich or die riding !’


  1. I love Wazzzeh!!!!! :) Miss you bro!

  2. how come you guys didnt come to vegas?

  3. we're in vegas now.

    and wazzeh loves you jon.

  4. really? did you guys already go to breeze?

  5. I bet he liked Tempe skatepark oh wait blunt didn't show

  6. wazzeh is the most legit pearson im missin you blunt guys already </3
    -Lance Nelson

  7. Nah we haven't been to any parks yet, going tomorrow.

  8. wizzle wazzle...

  9. way to go to tempe skatepark guys.

  10. Ya only like most of the az scooter population was at tempe. no bigie.

  11. We are very sorry to all the guys that when to meet us at Tempe, There was a mix up in the schedule and we ran out of time. We would have loved to ride with you all and very much regret not making it.

  12. i bet every single news station in the US was all over him

  13. wazzeh where doing a school presentation on you cuz we like your riding


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