Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nolan Sorensen Web Edit

Nolan isn't really well known outside of the Northwest. I've been a fan of Nolan's riding for a while. He's really smooth and has his whips dialed. This is actually one of the first videos I've really seen from Nolan, and I gotta say it's pretty sick. Pretty rare even now to see people doing quads in street. Check it out below.


  1. He shreds hard..legit video man

  2. Some lines were very impressive but man seriously you should stop pushing mongo you're loosing all your speed everytime you take this foot off. Music was nice! Keep it up, but without mongo.

  3. That was DOPE. Dude is sooo good at whips. ONly thing that bothered me wast he mongo pushing.

  4. so damn awsome.he could the worlds first quad whip flat.and i thought AJ strocella was king of tailwhips

  5. It's really refreshing to see an unknown rider completely shred like that. Can't wait to see more from this guy.

  6. Wow that was sick! like the whip to fingerwhip over the 2-set, I like doing that kinda stuff. Wish my whips were so dialed <3

  7. this guy is an OG. Hes been riding before i knew what scooters were!

  8. I love this guys ridding its so good-jake clark

  9. Obviously, pushing mongo seams to be working for him hahaha

  10. 360 whips completely dialed.

    360 double whip? The fuck.

    Fuck my life.

  11. thats my boy ! NOLANNNNNNNNNNN ! tail whip up the 5 at heatherwood ! i was there when you did that shit !


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