Monday, October 4, 2010

So You Want to Film a Video.

(Now before I start, I know there will be people comparing me to a certain rider who is known to be extremely critical of videos.  While this person certainly has some skewed views on riding, he does know what's up on a lot of things, including filming a legit edit.  Let it be understood that from here on out I'm talking about making a video, NOT trying to change how people ride.)

Everyone and their mom has a camera these days, whether it be a piece of junk Flip HD or an (action sports) industry standard Sony VX.  But most kids in our sport today only have JVC Everios or whatever random camera with a random fisheye.  And they will go out and film an edit, a sponsor video, a day video, whatever, and not think about the filming of the video at all.  I get tons of videos from kids asking to put them up on IS, but I rarely do.  Why?  Because the way it was filmed and edited was just horrible. Even if the riding is good, the filming/editing can be enough to stop me from posting a video.  If there was a video that was filmed amazingly, I probably wouldn't hesitate to put it on IS. 

So you want to make a video, and you want to make it good.  Well, the first thing you’ll want to do is learn how to film properly.  Some of the basics include, but are NOT limited to:

  • Getting low with the camera (especially while filming fisheye)
  • Turning off the image stablization when filming fisheye
  • Taking the fisheye OFF
  • Holding the camera steady
  • Getting close

Remember these simple things, and teach them to whoever is filming you.  One of the biggest things you can do to set your video apart is to simply take off your fisheye and use a tripod (I’m talking to you, Aussies).  It kills me to see fisheye shots from way far away.  And if you have tons of vignetting (big black corners on fish shots), you should zoom in a little bit to get rid of it.  Anyways before I get going on all of this, you find everything you need to know on the website SkatePerception.  SP is probably the best resource when it comes to making videos.  If you want to make a legit edit, I highly suggest you lurk around the forums there, read the stickies, watch the videos the users post.  You won’t regret it.

Once you start learning how to film properly, then you can invest in a new cam.  I won’t go into details here cause there’s a lot to consider but just lurk around SP, see what everyone else has.  Most of the big skate DVD’s are filmed with Sony VX1000’s and 2100’s, because they have some of the best colors, quality, and audio out of any prosumer camera.  I’m not saying everyone should go out and buy one immediately but if you want to eventually get into making legit videos (not for YouTube), that’s what you’re gonna wanna buy.  There are tons of other awesome cameras out there, like the 3CCD Panasonic GS series, the Sony TRV900/950,  Canon HV20/30/40, and the newer HDSLR’s.  All of which you can find more about on SP.

Editing can also make or break a video.  Most of the best edits are also the most simple.  Simple fades and cuts will usually be enough to make an edit flow.  There are some things you can do with filming to make transitions between shots but I won’t go into those.  Watching skate videos really helps to figure out what works and what doesn’t with editing.  A lot of it depends on the song and the riding as well, it just takes some practice to know how to fit it all together.

So overall the biggest thing you can do to improve the overall impression of your video (besides riding better) is to just put in effort when filming.  Think about the shot and what it’s gonna look like from that angle.  Lurking SkatePerception will teach you so many helpful things for making videos, from filming itself to editing to compressing for the web.  Putting in the effort will make your video more noticed, whether its by Steven or I for IS, a potential sponsor, or the general public.


  1. sooooo true i cant even edit a video with bad filming it bothers me that y i dont make vids for me noone knows how to film me ima have them read this so they can learn :D

  2. this post was needed! hopefully everyone takes some of this advice :)

  3. Nick Darger

    I'm soooo happy that you posted this jordan, even though 9 out of 10 kids will just skip it and not get a single idea out of it, it will still change a lot of videos. Much love to you sir!

  4. I think it's a good piece.

    But the part about turning down kids videos that they send to you is lame.

    These kids are the only reason IS is succeeding the way it is. We gotta encourage them, not discourage them. We both know the difference between a horrible HORRIBLE video....and a video that showcases someone who has a lot of potential.

    Just like everyone whos posted a comment so far's filming has progressed over time, so should theirs.

    It was a good informative post. But it just seems like once people get good at something be it riding, or in this case filming. They get a big head really quick...and start to discourage a lot of other riders before they even have a chance to learn for themselves like those before them.

  5. im a filmer my self and i might take a few of these ideas into consideration. but the way the grass valley ca skatepark is setup its kinda of bothering to get low with a camera
    and p.s.: i wonder when the next contest is comeing=]

  6. ehhh im kinda with steven. we have to learn sometime not just be labeled as bad filmers that need be seen as bad filmers and stuff

    but yeah joe i want another is contest to lol

  7. I'm glad you posted this..

    But zooming in to stop showing the outside of a fisheye? Are you kidding me?

  8. Deff A well Written article Jordan. I appreciate things like this.

  9. "I'm glad you posted this..

    But zooming in to stop showing the outside of a fisheye? Are you kidding me?"

    JUST a little bit, i'd rather it be zoomed in a bit instead of looking through a peephole, wouldn't you? You're not supposed to go all the way through the vig, I like a lil bit, but thats just preference.

  10. To back up jordan..

    You dont want the vignetting. Its bad. It takes up room where you can have objects and colors to brighten up the shot. A little in each corner is fine, just watch some good skate and bmx videos.

  11. i know!! i keep telling my friends when they're filmimg "get low! don't stand 100 feet away! don't show your penis on camera!" but they just don't listen. it annoys the heck out of me

  12. good tips but people need to learn themselfs too everyone can start out bad at some time....

  13. Ummm filming at a low angle isn't always the best thing. Its all about getting a good angle. And its okay to show vig, just not a lot of it. vig like this is fine,r:7,s:0&tx=58&ty=53

  14. Thank you for posting this please listen to this people

  15. jordan i never liked u. u were always that "know it all" type of guy when it comes to informative data such as this. thinking u know everything and downgrading other riders to ur own satisfaction. an example of this is when u said when u dont post videos that aren't well edited or filmed. the video itself doesn't matter. the riding does. the filming and editing just enhances the video making it more enjoyable to watch.

  16. To anon above me- Oh well, can't win em all. I'm just trying to help kids out with making better videos. If you think I'm putting people down, thats not what I'm doing at all.

  17. I would make a big long comment about zooming vignetting right now but I'm not going to. If the footage you are filming is going to be put on a DVD for viewing on a TV, DON'T ZOOM YOUR VIGNETTING. Connect your camera to a SD TV with the fisheye attached and see if the vignetting even shows up. Theres a thing called bleed area, thats where vignetting usually is and its cut off when view on an TV. If your making videos to post on youtube, do whatever you want as long as it doesn't look bad.

    -brian boston

  18. these are the reasons i dont have an edit..

    im too picky on what my riding looks like and what the filmer is doing.
    i want josh toy to film me

  19. and guys. these are valid points. dont be mad cuz he turned down your crap edit.
    madd love for inside

  20. get over yourself

  21. How can you think a VX is the best prosumer camera when theres prosumer cameras like the ax2000, fx1000, fx7, fx1 that have a better sensor, processor, and lens. VXs arnt even made anymore and there not even 720p. The only reason people think they have better colors is because they require the least amount of change to the settings to get good colors. Any filmer that actually knows how to set all settings could make the cameras i listed above get way better colors. By the way im not just saying this to you, im saying this to everyone that thinks that VXs are the best prosumer cameras.

  22. I was also talking cost-wise. You can get a VX1k and fish for under $1000 easily as opposed to spending thousands of dollars for one of those cameras alone. They're also totally different, those are HD cameras whereas the VX's are SD.

  23. you should put most of the edits you get sent kids would like there vids to be seen by alot of other scooter riders

  24. I agree, you need to encourage the up and comers not tell them be good or you will be denied..
    also i love how your the one telling me this stuff when all your videos are either fish or boring as fuck angles..


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