Friday, October 15, 2010

Nick Strickler Flat Edit 2

Flat Edit 2 from Nick Strickler on Vimeo.

This guy completely blows my mind...a hitchhiker alone is insane, but putting it in combos is just on another level. We need more riders like Nick in our sport, pushing the boundaries of what is believed to be possible on a scooter. And I'm not talking about more park riders doing more scooterflip combos, people who are creative and innovative.


  1. Thats just amazing that people can have the balance and patience to learn that kind of stuff. Total props to you man! and you have the same name as me :)

  2. Just like flatland bmx. Looks cool but is going nowhere.

  3. That makes no sense to me.... how do you do that?

    james gee

  4. wow i want that deck

  5. i have no patience of learning to hang 5
    it just pisses me off soooo much

    but this guy kills it!

  6. what the heck kind of deck is that?!

  7. what deck is that?

  8. i made that deck an gave it to him..jk but nick we need to make a edit of everon in denver that is ok than post it on here,
    Mason becker

  9. best song choice in the history of ever!


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