Saturday, September 11, 2010

Big One Million Contest Announcement!

If you guys don't know about the Big One Million Contest we are having on Inside-Scooters, please check the following link.
Big One Million Contest

I will be posting the details to the FIRST contest at 5pm(PST)On September 12th (The times that I post the details in the future for the other contests will NOT all be in the same time zone. I fully understand that we have readers all over the world, who deserve a chance to enter these contests) If you are planning to enter the first contest PLEASE check Inside-Scooters at that time to get the details! If you do not get a chance to enter this first contest DON'T WORRY...There are going to be a lot more over the next month to two months.


  1. great idea inside! i cant wait until tomorrow!!!!!

  2. The 9-11 attack makes me frustrated at what we all let happened, lets never allow that happen to our country, it's people, and pride ever again. Change starts with us. I know it's pretty random but i just never want something like that to happen if it can be avoided.


If you're going to bother to comment anonymously, think about what you're saying and what credibility you'll have without a name. Besides that, please keep the comments constructive, thanks!