Monday, June 7, 2010

Dissidence Street Jam

Ok..not much can be said about this video. Just watching it will leave all your jaws on the ground. I think we know where the street riding capital of the world is now. It's Paris, France. This video shows probably the most organized street jam you'll ever see. We can only hope that Addict and Dissidence do this again next year, or even sooner. Check it out guys and check that list of sponsors at the end..cause they all def. helped make this possible.

street jam DISSIDENCE couvert par la ROOTS BOY PRODUCTION from Roots Boy Production on Vimeo.


  1. haha sam and his blunt

  2. that was so sick!
    you see zig 360 that set below than u see that and think nothing of zig lol

  3. Ahhh cmon Nic...

    You know if Zig had the chance to be there, he would be throwing down just as hard.

  4. Paris was so fucking crazy this year. Loved it!

  5. this reminds me of the nike 6.0 jam video

    i was thinking it would be sweet if someone did that for scooters, and here it is. that was epic.

  6. editing and riding was amazing!!!! I just wish I could've been there to ride them amazing spots!

  7. fackkkkkkkkkkkkk

  8. The French, always one up themselves for overediting.


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