Thursday, March 11, 2010

Andrew Broussard Bites the Big One.

This pretty much confirms what we all thought went down a few weeks ago, when a thread popped up on a forum with rumors of a scooter rider dying on the megaramp. Well we later figured out that it was Andrew, and of course that he didn't die (I forget what exactly happened, just some knocked out teeth and stitches I think). So crazy of him even trying that though, you Aussies better make it to the Nitro Circus shows, its gonna be a treat.


  1. Not only he try to flip it, he chose the bigger gap to do that. Balls of gold.

  2. motherfucking props.

  3. Thats a hecktic gap, props!

  4. he wasn't getting enough speed because he was riding protos

  5. Should of rode some eagles lol. jks

    Thats good effort, Hope one day others will be giving it a go :)


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