Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tilt Scooters Presents Jordan Jasa

Jordan dropped some new footy, finally. Easily some of his best footage yet. Every clip was legit. If more riders took the time to find spots for their edits, and learned to film solid lines, we would have a stronger street scene for sure. Loved the banger too, you don't see too many riders throwing 540s down decent gaps and sets.


  1. jrdn u only post vids of urself. biased.

    1. Yeah jordan you just made this blog really famous just so people would watch you. That was your plan all along now im going to watch lit!

    2. Muahaha theres nothing you can do to stop me!

  2. Always enjoyed watching Jordan's videos. good stuff man

  3. This footy was sick don't get me wrong, but I feel like his style would flow better with HD instead of SD. It's a personal choice, and I get that. Still, sick clips and style as usual though.

  4. Hell yeah! Front threes are on point as fuck.

  5. glad to see you get out of your driveway


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