Thursday, August 31, 2017


Chicago. A city of diversity, a global leader in both business and the arts, a metropolitan oasis smack dab in the otherwise void croplands of the Midwest. Chicago provides many opportunities to those who gather there- education, entertainment, dining, employment. But for those among us searching for the perfect rail, a fresh feeble, the next puzzle to unlock using the act of manually balancing on one wheel as the key, Chicago is the ultimate urban playground.

Richard Harck, hailing just a stone's throw away from the city, has documented over the past year those whom make the pilgrimage to the Windy City. Culminating in this 20 minute montage, Richard has filmed those both coming from near and far, riders known and unknown, to show the world what scootering in Chicago is really like. Locals like Chis Doyle, Sugar Shane the Rapper, Justin Lacosse, and visitors like Issac Miller and Ian Herncjar, with numerous others can be seen here putting their mark on the city, their interpretation of what the streets hold smartly caught through the lens of a Panasonic DVX100, recorded to a miniature digital video tape, captured, edited, and uploaded to for your viewing pleasure. Richard's own vision shines bright throughout- his filming techniques and concepts for clips are not easy to miss. It's not often a filmer puts much thought into what he is producing, but when they do, you can tell.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

PROTO En Mexico

The whole Proto squad- Matt McKeen, Chema Cardenas, Alex Steadman, Andrew Broussard, Jake Sorensen, Parrish Isaacs, David Coe, and Kirk Svensson got together earlier this summer to ride down in Mexico around Chema's local spots. With the team finally all in one place for a video (has that ever happened before?) you can be sure that the results are not gonna disappoint. Highlights for me were definitely Chema's nothing, Parrish's front board fakie crook, and Alex's wallride into taco retrieval. But seriously, this video was awesome, well done boys!