Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fasen Scooter Parts Reviews | Skates.Co.UK

Above is the first review that Skates.Co.UK has for a Fasen part, starting with the deck.  Tom as well as the main man from Fasen/Blunt, Dinny, give a rundown of the deck, bars, wheels, clamp, and fork.  Fasen seems to be implementing a lot of new technologies/techniques with making scooter parts than most other companies- fluted parts, wedge clamp, etc.  Pretty interesting.  Click ahead to Youtube to check all of these and a ton more from the Skates channel.

1 comment:

  1. Having a person from the company review the product is ridiculous. Having an independent rider review and test it would be hella lot more helpful than having one of Fasen's employes talk about manufactering methods.


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