Monday, October 29, 2012

Denver Street Jam Video

So apparently a bunch of riders in Denver all met up at a park then cruised some spots recently.  Pretty cool to see more and more places (especially places with scenes as new/unknown as Denver) having street jams. Denver is definitely high on the list of places I wanna ride soon.


  1. My names Branden Jaquias reppin Aces N Eights Scooters and I just moved to Colorado from California and I was the one wearing the white shirt and hat. There aren't very many riders in colorado but there some of the best and most laid back riders you'll meet. If you ever get a chance to come visit us take that chance it will be worth your while.
    Follow me and Ian Herncjar(grey beanie) on instagram @ianherncjar or @branden_jaquias or sub on youtube @brifliB48 or @awesomeian

    1. Aaaannnd Me, keelan, @keelanthekidd on instagram

    2. Aaaannnd Me, keelan, @keelanthekidd on instagram

  2. hahah branden there is quite a few riders in colorado. Also i dont even use instagram...

  3. That last trick was really cool, damn.

  4. lmao my bad Ian! Didn't know that was you bro! Figures it was though, killed it.


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